Fuji Xerox Embraces ‘Love Earth Action’ in Corporate Culture
Green Strategy News for Corporate Sustainability Executives
"What previously was a summertime internal marketing theme at Fuji Xerox will now become a year-round effort in its global operations, showing an example of how sustainability and environmentalism is becoming more ingrained in the corporate culture.
The “Love Earth Action Fuji Xerox (Leafx) Campaign” encourages employees to get involved in environmental protection and social action programs at work, in their local communities and at home, according to a press release."
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Fuji Xerox:Embraces ‘Love Earth Action’ in Corporate Culture. Nice.
Why I love Print and Printers and Skilled Craftspeople
The New Yorker:
Fast bikes, slow food, and the workplace wars
. . . "He writes about fixing motorcycles as an extension of philosophical investigation, a form of problem-solving that helps him understand Heidegger’s theory of skillful coping. He says, too, that fixing bikes has given him “a place in society,” as well as an “economically viable” job that won’t evaporate or get moved overseas. He more or less promises that if you get trained in skilled labor—as a mechanic, a plumber, an electrician, a carpenter—you, too, can have all that."
In his view, a cluster of cultural prejudices have steered many potential tradesmen into college, and then toward stultifying office jobs, which provide less satisfaction and less security than skilled manual labor, and sometimes less money.
. . . For Crawford, the failure to appreciate skilled manual labor is a symptom of something even worse: a narcissistic refusal to grapple with the material world. He quotes a long scene from “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,” in which the narrator has a frustrating encounter with careless mechanics who can’t be bothered to correctly diagnose his bike. Crawford’s stern verdict: this is “at once an ethical and a cognitive failure.” Such mechanics show, in their disregard for the motorcycle, how little they care about their profession, and, by extension, their fellow-citizens.according to "Anon", the illustration is by Joost Swarte
The pro-craft camp deplores the
confinements of corporate life.
Google: Flipper is just reinventing newspapers. Only worse.
From this printer's point of view, it's pretty funny.
Meanwhile the wikipedia-entry-appearing-with-search is the killer app
if and only if you connect to the printernet. Consider: A versioned newspaper with 3 pages of the lede + 2 paragraphs with the wikipedia entry and link to the YouTube video. The other 21 pages are filled with whatever and lots and lots of print ads.
If the community of interest is a high school class and the content contains news stories chosen on the basis of what a classroom teacher needs textbooks in California can disappear in peace. And the high school ed problem for every one becomes much more manageable. If you add in public health and service advertisements the whole thing makes money for everyone. Just ask your ed and non profit users and see what they say.
If the community of interest is a organization you can sell ad sense users a platform in print ads that speak directly to the needs of that organization. If it's a bunch of hobbyists, same thing.
Geeks just can't see Print
As a Print person, I've seen this with designers, admins, and especially with geeks. They keep just drinking their own Kool-Aid.
Ok, newspapers haven't had the speed or the scale, but with printernet publishing that goes away. 50,000,000 versioned newspapers with content pulled from the cloud from search, edited for a specific community of interest and delivered overnight with a minimal carbon footprint. Plus ads to make some money in the bargain.
C'mon Google, the web is all very nice, but if you want to crack the real world and the mobile web get in touch with a Print Professional. Ask him/her about Clickable Print.
Printers print stuff.
Publishers use printers to print stuff. Most publishers don't care about what Print can do. They're all caught up with blablabla business models blablabla advertising blablabla ROI blablabla meme du jour. Meanwhile Printers keep printing more and more stuff.
So cut out the middle man, let everyone be a publisher in print. If you think blogger is a big deal, consider what happens if you use Clickable Print to be the real world portal to Blogger +YouTube + Wikipedia + Facebook + whatever comes next.
The two mass media are TV and Print.
Everything else is a niche media. You already have a nice lead in TV with YouTube. Once you can figure out the Print piece, you can stop having to mollify a bunch of "content creators" who think their words should be locked behind IP.
I'll let the engineers reinvent the newspaper on the web. Nice for the niche web audience. And then the niche of a niche that reads on the web. Then let the MBAs figure out the "new business model." Sooner or later they'll figure out something.
In the meantime, I'll stick with paper, thank you very much.
From Tech Crunch
Google Flipper Is About To Jump Out Of The Water:
"Google is about to launch a new Google Labs project it calls Flipper, we’ve learned. No, it’s not a dolphin. As you can see in the screenshot, it looks like the project is a more visual way to read Google News, or to “flip through it,” as it were.
HP: Talk to Alcatel-Lucent about Bridgewater Systems and sell clickable print through indigo owners
Bridgewater Systems mobile personalization products (subscriber data management, policy control (PCRF), service control) are selected by the world’s leading telecommunications infrastructure suppliers to augment their go-to-market offerings. Bridgewater partners with both global and regional channel partners to ensure the fulfillment model is uniquely suited to the markets and customers they serve.
Global Resellers![]()
Actionable Intelligence? Amdocs ChangingWorlds Deployed in Brunei
Mobile Marketing Magazine:
Amdocs ChangingWorlds Deployed in Brunei:
"B.mobile has also implemented Amdocs’ ChangingWorlds Business Intelligence solution, which gives the network detailed and timely visibility into the key performance indicators (KPIs) relating to mobile portal usage, such as churn trends, the number of unique portal visitors, and the detailed breakdown of subscriber activity on the mobile Internet. This helps the operator to identify new revenue opportunities, continue to improve the user experience, and gain a sustainable competitive advantage."
Looking for a high margin print product? Consider this.
Don't you love Print?
School Specialty Publishing:
Photographic Early Learning Reminder Poster Set 2:
"Grades PK-2
Pages 9
Format Poster
Rights U.S. and International
ISBN 1570293457
Best-seller! Teachers love these visually powerful and multicultural posters. Direct, meaningful pictures show children modeling good behavior for others to follow., 13' x 19 1/2' More
The kernel of the problem of consultative sales
Online Tutorials Help Elementary School Teachers Make Sense Of Science:By changing a few words, you get If salespeople lack confidence in their knowledge of the process, they're probably goin to avoid situations where they might be caught flat-footed by a customer's question, becuase they don't want to be asked a question they don't know how to answer."
"If teachers lack confidence in their scientific knowledge base, they’re probably going to avoid situations where they might be caught flat-footed by a student’s question, because they don’t want to be asked a question they don’t know how to answer, Brown said."
The solution? Learn how to be comfortable when saying, "I'm not sure about that. Let me think about it and get back to you on that." The important part: get back to them as quickly as possible.
Hint: Stop worrying about being smart and looking stupid.
Everyone is smart at something and stupid at most things.
The high margin deliverable is a spreadsheet. Everyting else is a commodity.
If you can't find it and buy it with the browser it's not a commodity. If you can, it is.
Actionable information-for-me can change every hour. It's always hard-for-them. Hard-for-them and easy-for-me means higher margins.
Mobile Marketing Magazine:
Targeting Key to Mobile Advertising's Future, says Xtract:
“One thing that we constantly hear from advertisers and marketers, who hold the purse strings, is that they need far more intricate levels of targeting than are generally available today, as well as measurability, accountability, and clearly defined ROI, in order to choose mobile over other media platforms,” he says."
Friday, June 19, 2009
Intel Needs Clickable Postcards
If you want to buy 50,000,000 of them in people's hands in a couple of days, get in touch with Clickable Print New York. when they open for business. Or if you can't wait, get in touch with me at Clickable Print.org (a soon to be 501(c3).
If LCC suspends print courses, maybe Unite wants to get into the education business
Perhaps UNITE wants to start their own school. Perhaps Ms Pundit wants to help. I don't know how it works there, but perhaps some Labour MP can help you get the right to give certs. You'll have students on line from all UK commonwealth countries.
India alone could probably use everyone who's out there looking for the next thing to do.
LCC suspends print courses and consults on structural review @printweek.com
Barney Cox, printweek.com, 19 June 2009
London College of Communication (LCC) has 'rested' its two higher education printing courses this year, citing lack of applicants.
It has also begun consultation on a complete overhaul of the college, which proposes to change its structure from four schools to two faculties.
Sue Pandit, dean of the School of Printing & Publishing is leaving at the end of June, a decision she said wasn't linked to the other events."
HP: C'mon Spin off the Print Piece..
Or at least give your Indigo owners a leg up in integrating Print with mobile phones through dynamic QR codes.
Alcatel, H-P Agree to Ally -
"Alcatel-Lucent and Hewlett-Packard Co. signed a 10-year partnership to develop and market communications and computing products, as both firms look for new areas of growth.
Alcatel-Lucent will also outsource the management of its computing systems to H-P, transferring about 1,000 workers to H-P as a result.
The Paris-based company declined to say how much it would save with this move, but Chief ExecutiveBen Verwaayen has made cutting costs a priority since taking over the unprofitable telecom-gear maker in September."
RRD: Buying for exclusive access? Does that make sense in an internet world?
In a value chain economy this strategy might have made sense. In a user network economy, in my not so humble opinon, this leads to a dead end and waste of executive focus and shareholders money.
RR Donnelley Acquires Prospectus Central
from WhatTheyThink:
"With this acquisition, RR Donnelley gains exclusive access to Prospectus Central's technology, RightProspectus - a prospectus e-delivery solution."
EK: Awards are nice. Sustainable Profits are much better.
Kodak's Hayzlett Wins Crain Award for Business Marketing Excellence -
Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink:
Monday, June 15, 2009
ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- Jeff Hayzlett, Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President, Eastman Kodak Company, was awarded the prestigious G.D. Crain Jr. Award for Marketing Excellence at the Business Marketing Association's (BMA) 2009 Annual Conference in Chicago on June 10. The award is named in honor of business marketing icon and pioneer G.D. Crain, founder of Crain Communications, publishers of Ad Age and BtoBMagazine."
Great first step: WhatTheyThink and Cal Poly Collaborate on Innovative Industry Educational Program
July 15, 2009: Lean Management and Manufacturing— A Formula for Success in a Changing World of PrintAugust 26, 2009: Cultural Imperatives in Becoming Lean— A Motivated Workforce Leads to High Productivity and Profits
September 30, 2009: Sustainability, Lean and Knowledge Management — The Green Train: The 5Ws to Catching and Sustaining it, a Combination for Profitability
Each participant will have the opportunity to receive a copy of the book coauthored by professor Kevin Cooper and professor Ken Macro, “Lean Printing: Pathway to Success,” from PIA at half price, and will be entitled to one free consultation via email.
My two cents concerns this sentence:For participants who purchase all of the sessions at the same time, a discounted rate of $89 per session is availableIt would be alot more helpful to everyone if some global picked up the tab. We all know that the marginal cost of a webinar is zero. HP could buy a bulk for all their users. Xerox could buy in bulk for Premier Partners. I'm sure Kodak and Oce also have user group formations. Maybe Canon wants to get back in the game and offer this for everyone for free?
Then, maybe a $25 subscription fee two weeks after the webinars? Or some Global pays the $25 subscription fee for their PSP's instead of investing in advertising that produces no actionable information. Or some global buys the right to keep the webinar live at some site. Or the contents of the webinar, including questions is available on line for free and printernet published in paperback form for whatever it costs and a reasonable margin for the experts.
the link and snippet
WhatTheyThink and Cal Poly Collaborate on Innovative Industry Educational Program - Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lexington, Kentucky USA – WhatTheyThink, a leading media, market intelligence and research company for the printing and publishing industries, today announced that it is partnering with the Graphic Communication Institute (GrCI) at Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, to bring an innovative education webinar series to printing and publishing executives. This affordable program will be delivered by Cal Poly professors who are recognized industry experts in their respective subject areas. Participants may register for individual or all sessions by visiting WhatTheyThink.com and selecting the Webinars tab."
Score for Xerox! It's almost a printernet.
Xerox and Fuji Xerox to Manage P&G's Worldwide Print Operations -
Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
TOKYO – US-based Xerox Corporation and Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. will manage the Procter & Gamble Company's (P&G) worldwide print operations, helping the company reduce operational costs by an estimated 20-25 percent. The five-year services contract calls for Xerox and Fuji Xerox to manage P&G's office printer fleet as well as their print environment in mobile work settings."
Some free advice to Oce about Transpromo
Oce signs as worldwide sponsor for TransPromo Summit
- Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink:
Friday, June 19, 2009
Venlo, The Netherlands -- Oce, an international leader in digital document management, has signed as worldwide sponsor for the 3rd annual InfoTrends TransPromo Summit and their inaugural European TransPromo Summit."
Transpromo is an ok word to talk to printers. It's not the right word to talk to CMOs or end users. The exact right word depends on what the CMO or end user wants to buy.
You might try something like:
"Our approach can significantly lower your cost of response. Plus it gives you the data you need to make better marketing decisions going forward."Don't talk about ROI. Never say the word transpromo to anyone but a printer or someone in the trade.
If you can't get them on a path they understand and believe, it's mostly a wasted effort. If you can, margins galore.
If you can't deliver on the path to predictive analytics, focus on talking to people who can. They need the boxes that are ready to do whatever they are going to have to do going forward.
Xerox: Focus on the Education and Health pieces
There's lots of stuff going on. Advertising is in a shamble. It's not that Print is broken. It's that advertising is broken. Trying to get margins from a broken business is really hard.
Education and health are also pretty broken. But the wave is going to hit in September in both spaces. That means people in education and health are going to have do more with less.
My bet is that there are Xerox teams that have the cred, the relationships and the experience to show people in ed and health how to do a lot more with a lot less.
So, lead with the strong suit where there is real value to add. Real value = good margins. As for the commercial print production industry, you can help them the most by connecting them to the work that education and health can't do themselves. That's what this whole printernet blablaba is about.
Clickable flyers, posters and newsletters are just the tip of the iceberg.
But, until the smoke clears don't invest in the advertising marketing business. Wait until you can get some visibility on what it's going to look like in a couple of years. Then pick the niches. Deliver real value. Earn good margins. And help my IRA.
Xerox - K-12 Education:and
"Documenting the Future - The Center for Digital Education
New digital documents provide teachers and administrators options never before possible for teaching and communicating with students, parents and the community.
Remark Office OMR Software
Streamline the testing process! Automatically grade and analyze test results and provide a variety of graphical, customizable reports that illustrate areas of strength and weakness."
Health Care Industry Improves Document Workflows with Xerox:
"Health Care Providers
Delivering quality patient care is your number one priority. To ensure you always have adequate resources to fulfill your mission, you need to simplify paperwork processes, better manage technology assets, and more easily track and report regulatory compliance.
Xerox document specialists can help improve the employee experience so your staff can keep their focus on providing quality health care. After assessing your facility’s document needs, capabilities, and processes, we provide solutions to streamline document production and flow, ensure regulatory compliance, and achieve operational excellence.
Listen as Xerox Health Care VP Valerie Mason Cunningham discusses how Xerox’s services, solutions, and technologies help health care providers transform their business."
Score Quebecor! "Quebecor Media Network" is a printernet.
No wonder RRD made the offer.
If the Canadian Government had to get a complex message to everyone . Quebecor Media Network could get a couple of million flyers delivered to Canadians in a day or two.
If every high school student in Canada wanted clickable flyers that would focus on current events Quebecor Media could deliver them. If the flyers carried ads for Public Health agencies, they could be a profit center over above the small margins of deliver and print and deliver.
As the printernet emerges it could mean 500,000,000 + flyers, delivered around the world with a minimum carbon footprint.
Highlights from PR release follows.
Bold face are my highlights. Italics are my comments.
Quebecor Media creates ad flyer unit -
Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink:
Last year alone, the company distributed more than 1.5 billion flyers across Canada."
The ultramodern printing plants in Islington and Mirabel, in which Quebecor Media invested over $250 million and which meet the highest standards of quality, particularly with respect to colour reproduction, combined with the company's extensive network of weeklies and dailies covering most major Canadian markets, will enable the Quebecor Media Network to quickly position itself as the industry leader.
The new unit will serve customers across Canada with no intermediary, offering:
1. A dependable and verifiable delivery system;
Manage logistics risk. It was Fedex's competitive advantage back in the day.
2. In-house distribution analytics via Geographic Information Systems (GIS);
The high margin deliverable is the spreadsheet and the data visualization.
3. Targeting by FSA (Forward Sortation Area), DA (Dissimination Area) and LDU (Local Delivery Unit);
I'm not sure what this means but it sounds like super efficient delivery of the right stuff to the right people
4. Supervised carrier force.
Managed risk for the entire process : Message Manager> Cloud> Print> Customer
"The launch of the Quebecor Media Network will enhance the company's integrated value proposition to its business partners and advertisers at the local, regional and national levels," said Pierre Karl Peladeau, President and Chief Executive Officer of Quebecor.
Local is where 95% of printing companies live.
Regional is where the big printing companies live.
National = locals spread within national boundaries.
Global = locals spread with out regards to national boundaries.
Go Quebecor! Go Printernet! Go Print!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
So how cool is it that Goss has Print to Cloud on Cell Phones?
GossRSVP™ System is designed for advertisers to unlock the power of print. It allows readers to interact with your printed products, engaging and enhancing their reading experience.And the cool part:
GossRSVP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goss International Corporation. Goss International Corporation is a worldwide corporation dedicated to global leadership in supplying printing solutions.You have to love Goss. And of course, GO PRINT!With manufacturing sites in America, Asia and Europe and a support network spanning the globe, the company specializes in advanced press and postpress technology for all newspaper and commercial web printing applications.
Fred and Sam Goss founded the Goss Printing Company in 1885. Their successors have been driven by a constant quest for technological innovation. A long list of "firsts" includes the web offset newspaper press itself, the four-color tower, gapless blankets, selective binding, and automatic plate changing, to name just a few. The GossRSVP™ System is the latest step in this proud history of innovation.
Today, Goss systems continue to make web offset a more sophisticated, cost-effective way to communicate by setting new standards for print quality, productivity, efficiency, reliability and versatility.
Any money prowling around with $20 million? Take it out of the marketing budget. You can buy the Boston Globe.
Of course I have a very unreasonable plan for the Globe to go into the education business with both feet, get some federal money and replace textbooks and supplementals in Boston. Now that would be a proof of concept that might actually get me out of Brooklyn for at least a day or two.
What's the PR and advertising value of
"HP or Xerox or Kodak saves the Boston Globe and demonstrates how to do it right"Or even better consider
"HP and Xerox and Kodak and Oce and InfoPrint save the Boston Globe and demonstrates how to do it right?
That's only about $5 million each. Can you think of a better way to invest $5,000,000. An ad campaign telling people that print is good?
BlackRock and HP and Xerox and Kodak and Oce and InfoPrint save . . . .
Metamorphosis for the Globe?
Nieman Journalism Lab:
. . . Arthur Sulzberger is standing beside your bed, ready to hand you $20 million or so if you will please, please, just take it off his hands.
"This scenario could well play out — well, not quite like that of course — since the value of the paper is essentially zero. The Times Company has put it up for sale, and the question is really whether the buyer will pay some token sum to the Times, or whether the Times will subsidize the buyers by spotting them some working capital."
What NOT to do with QR codes!!
It's worth the click to see how to get it to be good enough. It doesn't have to be great, but if it's not good enough, it's not worth the money spent.
Anyway, here's the money quote:
2D codes threaten to go everywhere.But like everything else, if it's not deployed correctly, don't do it. A good idea, deployed incorrectly is a bad idea.
MediaPost Publications Down The Mobile Anti-Marketing Hole 06/18/2009So far so good. Nice idea. But at the end of the day it sucks.
It started innocently enough. It was a cool June day on the streets of New York where outside of Penn Station some street marketers were passing out samples of Speed Stick antiperspirant. When I got to my hotel room and unpacked the cellophane bag I noticed that the promo included a 2D code I was prompted to snap and send to a short code.Ok, fair enough. The theme of the campaign is "Different Strokes for Different Folks," to promote three kinds of Speed Stick for a range of sweating types ("what's your pit type?"). And to the marketers' credit the concept of the 2D code is aligned with the brand message. The offer suggests that by using the 2D code I will be able to "make a 2D code that belongs to you and you alone."
: "The problem is, it's a pain in the consumer's ass to execute. This campaign not only turns me off to the brand, it turns me off to 2D codes as well."The prospect of a world filled with these things is too unappealing to ponder?" My guess is that the writer doesn't know about what's going on in Japan. I bet if a printer told him, he would like to hear it.
I have never been a fan of slapping these things anywhere. I much prefer image recognition technology for this. UPC codes and the like were made for machines, not people. And most UPC codes are confined to packaging, where they can be tucked away out of sight or restricted to a single page of a magazine.
2D codes threaten to go everywhere. And there is nothing aesthetically pleasing or directly communicative about them. They are just a big fat eyesore that engineers and geeks might find energizing. The rest of us just want to peel them off of our otherwise pleasant-looking world. The prospect of a world filled with these things is too unappealing to ponder."
Go Kodak Go! Stream prints QR codes and pURLs
I still don't know if they can do it on newsprint. But I figure I'll find out sooner or later.
Here's the business case and timing:
1. The Cloud based information gathering is getting very close to prime time.
Mostly through the stuff that's happening with Knight Foundation Winners.
2. CMO's don't, and never have, hated Print.
They hate being bugged by everyone for "metrics." The dirty little secret is that mostly they don't know what to do with data they have. Once they get some information they can put in a spread sheet, it won't suck any more than the other data they can present. The clients will be happy enough. Then everyone can get back to the business of constantly refining and improving the analytics so that moving forward CMOs will be able to make more and more evidence based decisions.
3. The panic in the newspaper world is starting to subside.
They are starting to see that there is no way to earn money for web based CPMs. Even the panic in the advertising world is starting to subside. Now the panic is going to move through education and health. In my not so humble opinion that's the next big opportunity.
4. They haven't used Microzone, because they are deers in the headlight.
But that's also starting to go away. The minute one of them starts increasing advertising revenue,they will all panic and do the same thing.
Then the "sales" problem becomes answering the phone in real time.
For a global that's already a huge problem. Have your PR people and recent fires get organized into off site, independent businesses to answer the phone.
Another piece falls into place for versioned newspapers
Go Print!
The golden age of computer-assisted reporting is at hand
Nieman Journalism Lab:
"Computer-assisted reporting or CAR has been around, well — ever since there were computers. Even when I was in journalism school (which was longer ago than I care to remember), we learned about databases we could search, etc. But the explosion of Web-based tools and ways of sifting through and sharing data has created something approaching a revolution, and the potential benefits for journalism are only just beginning to reveal themselves."
Video Surveillance is one solution. RFID and/or dynamic QR codes could be safer for the admins
In fact, without those policies and procedures in place, having video surveillance could actually be a liability for a school, says Dorn.
. . . For instance, a parent could use video footage to sue the school district for negligence if proper safety procedures are not being followed, he says.
. . . “There are a lot of things that you can do that don’t cost very much that have a greater return than cameras would normally give you,” he says, such as providing formal training in proper supervision and space-management techniques for faculty and staff members.
RIFD cards and dynamic QR codes isn't on the radar of the schools. That sounds like an opportunity for some printer.
"providing formal training in proper supervision and space-management techniques for faculty and staff members" is ok. Putting a scanner in the hand of every adult a clickable ID card in the hands of every student would probably be even better.
Dynamic QR codes are the game changer.
Use case:
"Stop that fighting in the halls."
" Yes, ma'am."
"Let's see your ID cards."
Mom gets an SMS in a couple of minutes.
"At 12;35 am, Johnny was fighting in the halls. Please talk to him when he gets home to see if there is a problem we need to know about. Thank you."
That leads to less fighting going forward.
No more fighting leads to kids paying attention which leads to better results in high school ed and to alot more security in the halls.
Education Week's Digital Directions:
The Digital Evolution of Video Surveillance:
Just a few years ago, David Vignery, the director of technology for the Harrisonville school district in Missouri, had to drive to the district’s six schools if he wanted to view video-surveillance footage from each building. It could be weeks before school officials alerted his team that cameras were broken or otherwise not working properly.
Now, because of technological improvements in the video-surveillance industry, it takes just a few seconds for Vignery to view any camera in the district from his desktop computer and be alerted immediately about technical problems. “It’s allowed us to utilize our time more efficiently,” he says of the new setup."
"it's impossible to get into the education market" blablablabla. Here's why"
How many Black Swans is it going to take?
Give us flexibility to run our schools -
"Our school district has submitted a common-sense proposal, in partnership with the Fresno Unified School District, to members of the state Legislature. We want the Legislature to give us - and other school districts that request it - the same funding flexibility that the state gives to its charter schools. Provide us with one big block grant based on Average Daily Attendance, remove the reins, and let us go to work.
Flexibility and accountability
Our Proposal for Complete Categorical Flexibility includes accountability measures to keep us focused on two critical areas that our state has lost sight of: educating kids while making ends meet. Our plan would let the state tie my personal performance evaluation to student achievement. That is how much faith I have in the job that we're doing in our local schools, and the even better job that we could do if only we had more freedom."
The quanta of communication is the word and Twitter and the Quantum Theory of Communication
The words have to be chosen both carefully and naturally. Once tweeted the words live in the Cloud. Once in the Cloud, artist/designer/computer geeks can make pictures of the word pattern. Once you can take a snapshot of moving patterns you can do compare and contrast.
Print displays snapshots of moving patterns.
If you want to learn what a person is saying, listen to her. If you want to learn what lots of persons are saying, scan the blogs and YouTube. If you want to understand what the crowd is "thinking," you need a lots of snapshots. It's the same as a particle accelerator or an MRI.
How might that work in a high school?
Someone should get in touch with the artist/designer/computer geek in question, follow the links below, and offer to sponsor a book of his snapshots. You can print it up for Print 09 and give it to your salespeople. My bet is that creatives will love it.
If you don't believe me, ask your ad agency, or the artist/designer/computer geek in your company. Mostly likely you'll find her/him in what used to be the prep department but these days it could be anyone under about 35.
Here's what I mean.
from Neoformix - Discovering and Illustrating Patterns in Data:
Follow the money. This time it's the Knight News Challenge
Knight News Challenge 2009 winners - Google Maps:
"Knight News Challenge 2009 winners
These 10 projects won over over hundreds of competitors to win the Knight Foundation's 2009 News Challenge."
Ground> (Document) Cloud > Printernet Publishing
Knight News Challenge: A grant to DocumentCloud promises a data boost for investigative journalismBy Zachary M. Seward / June 17 / 2:01 p.m.
The Knight News Challenge’s biggest winner, with a two-year grant of $719,500, is DocumentCloud, the primary-source index conceived by journalists and developers at ProPublica and The New York Times. Here’s why you should care: There’s good reason to believe the project will transform how some investigative journalism is conducted — and who conducts it.
Like a lot of software in the cloud, this one is complicated to explain. I wrote a long overview of DocumentCloud in November, and you can read their initial grant application in my first post about the project. Aron Pilhofer, editor of interactive news technologies at the Times and one of the project’s creators, told me on Monday, “DocumentCloud isn’t really conducive to a two-minute elevator pitch.” But later in our conversation, he ventured one: “It will turn documents into data.”
"DocumentCloud will be software, a Web site, and a set of open standards that will make original source documents easy to find, share, read and collaborate on, anywhere on the Web. Users will be able to search for documents by date, topic, person, location, etc. and will be able to do 'document dives,' collaboratively examining large sets of documents. Organizations will be able to do all this while keeping the documents--and readers--on their own sites. Think of it as a card catalog for primary source documents.
We'll be releasing our code each step of the way. And we want you to participate. Sign up for our mailing list below and we'll keep you up-to-date."
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
SaaS Book Production System.
Project Management for publishers: Appingo:"Create dynamic schedules.Assign tasks. Manage budgets.Meet deadlines. Eliminate stress.Be happy!
Appingo improves the lives of those who make books. Explore our site and see for yourself."
How Graphic Design is a key to making people smarter
These results, they conclude, demonstrate that "it is now clear that not only do eye movements reflect what we are thinking, they can also influence how we think."
Eye Movement Can Affect Problem-solving, Cognition:
ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2007) — A pair of Beckman Institute researchers has discovered that by directing the eye movements of test subjects they were able to affect the participants’ ability to solve a problem, demonstrating that eye movement is not just a function of cognition but can actually affect our cognitive processes.
Previous research (Grant and Spivey, 2003) has shown a relationship between eye movements and problem-solving but Psychology Professor Alejandro Lleras, a member of the Human Perception and Performance group, and Ph.D. candidate Laura Thomas have taken that work in a groundbreaking direction.
Memory Books = Art Catalogues = Photo Books = Vanity Publishing = Print as token.. and Versioned Newspapers
Jostens to close North Carolina Plant - Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink:Print is a tool, a toy or a token. The highest margins and defensible advantages are print as token.
"Jostens continues to transform the way memory books are produced through technology, plant investments and new capabilities.
Tools have stable mass markets. The way to win is constant incremental improvements, fair prices, appropriate break even points. Stanley makes great tools. Fein, has been in the power tool business for 140 years. Their latest release is the Multimaster. It's oscillating technology in a convenient package. It's not cheap in dollars, but for certain jobs save lots of time.
The codex form of the Printed Book has been described as a "hammer" for reading. I tend to agree.
As a technology, the book is like a hammer. That is to say, it is perfect: a tool ideally suited to its task. Hammers can be tweaked and varied but will never go obsolete. Even when builders pound nails by the thousand with pneumatic nail guns, every household needs a hammer. Likewise, the bicycle is alive and well. It was invented in a world without automobiles, and for speed and range it was quickly surpassed by motorcycles and all kinds of powered scooters. But there is nothing quaint about bicycles. They outsell cars. James Glieck, NY Times Op Ed.
Print as toy is for another post. But think children books and what we used to call design porn.
Print as token is a killer app. Tokens can command much higher margins because the value is in capturing and sharing an experience. As VISA says in their ads, some experiences are "priceless." "Priceless" means the possibility of reasonable margins.
The "value" of a high school yearbook, a rock band's T shirt, an gallery catalogue, or a photo book has little to do with the cost of materials. The value is that it captures, in some magical way, the memory of the user's experience.
Versioned newspapers in education
It is largely unnoticed that the value of news-on-paper is as a token of the experience of living in an area or being part of a group. People subscribe to the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal because "people like us" read the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. People welcome the Small Town Gazette because "people like us" read the Small Town Gazette.
As the discourse on newspapers evolves to getting back to business, versioned newspapers can monetize the reality that they are tokens of overlapping groups of "people like us."
The importance of a school newspaper is not the information included. The importance is in being a token of "people like us" means in a high school. If it includes current events and world news in addition to the gossip and pictures of the sports teams, it communicates that "people like us" read about current events and world news. When it includes advertisements for public health issues, it communicates that "people like us" take public health seriously.
Fast forward to 2011:
Consider an SaaS functionality that allows the high school journalists to assemble the content for 4 to 6 pages of a 24 page newspaper. The other 18 to 20 pages includes the stories of the day. Each current events page would in the form of the lede from the Google top story of the day with a tinyurl + QR code (for cool). Then there would be some background from Wikipedia with a tinyurl + QR code(for cool) then a link to a video on YouTube.
Here are some examples of how this could work. Science: How Laptops May Link to Male Infertility or Economics: The Strength of the US Dollar or News: The Election in Iran
or News: President Obama's Speech in Cairo.
For now, the QR codes are there for cool. The TinyUrls are for navigation to the web. As the telecoms fight it out for broadband and Google v Apple v Microsoft fight it out for the mobile OS and LG v Nokia v a gezillion others for the hand set, QR codes are only going to get cooler and cooler, until they hit scale.
For adolescents there is nothing more important than being part of the cool crowd. The opportunity is to make "smart and persistent" the new cool. If that's what it takes, they will naturally do it.
Signs of life at Kodak: Stream Print Heads
I especially like is "successfully installed at customer beta sites worldwide" and "now commercially available." If it works on newsprints get the meetings with the regional newspaper publishers. Or get the meeting with Vertis. Unfortunately, RRD is probably busy inventing their own.
If they can print QR codes, it's golden. If they can print dynamic QR it's platinum. It gets to clickable newspapers. The publishers will love clickable newspapers. The CMO's will love clickable newspapers. The high school kids will love clickable newspapers.
Go Kodak!
KODAK Stream Inkjet Technology Drives KODAK PROSPER S10 Imprinting System
from WhatTheyThink:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
CHICAGO -- The commercial inkjet platform of the future is available today, as Kodak rapidly advances its breakthrough Stream Inkjet Technology. In commercializing the S10 Imprinting System, formerly referred to as the Stream Printhead, Kodak also announced it is branding all products using Stream Inkjet Technology under the KODAK PROSPER family name.
The new KODAK PROSPER S10 Imprinting System, the first product deploying Stream Inkjet Technology, is successfully installed at customer beta sites worldwide and is now commercially available. The monochrome continuous inkjet solution for inline digital printing on high-speed web devices delivers offset class, variable data printing with significant savings on production costs for direct mail, catalogs, magazines, newspapers, inserts, and transactional"
MPS: You can solve high class problem: "Absorbing billions of dollars."
Here's how I think you can get the meeting.
Education Week:
Stimulus Aid's Pace Still Slow:
. . . governors and state legislators face the practical challenge of absorbing billions of dollars aimed at stabilizing their budgets, while satisfying the U.S. Department of Education’s requirements for that aid."
DataPoint re American High Schools
Education Week: Executive Summary:
. . . only seven in 10 American students graduate from high school in four years . .
Printweek could use printernet publishing.
In my jargon, New York/London is the gravity point of Euromerica. I'm glad I get the Printweek.com email alerts. If Printweek were printernet published, I would pay for a 24 page newsprint version here in the States. Not at £119.00 a year, but some more appropriate amount for a retired person like myself. For our viewers "across the pond" here's the link to subscribe: Haymarket Business Subscriptions.
Meanwhile, following is a cut and paste of this morning's email alert. It's real journalists like Matt Whipp, that allow bloggers like me to keep up an endless stream of blablablabla.
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Usula Burns visits London printer. Nice.
Given how nicely Xerox UK seems to be doing, it only makes sense. It's going to get really interesting after August 1.
New Xerox president visits north London printer
"Xerox's president and incoming chief executive Ursula Burns has paid a visit to MBA Group's north London site, in order to witness the print quality it was achieving on its latest investment - a pair of Xerox 980s.
The company recently invested more than £5m in digital equipment, a spend that included the UK's first two 900ppm twin-engine Xerox 980s.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Overheard on Twitter : CGX
CGX now has a strategic relationship with Yamagata in Japan for digital print and fulfillment
Xippa says “you do the math”. The issue is a Xerox 6204.
This just in from our friends at Xippa. Frankly I get a headache when I have to think about these kinds of deals and numbers. Just don't have the brain for it. But Xippa hasn't steered me wrong yet.
A Xerox 6204 has a list price per Buyers Lab starting at $17,000. They paid over $24,000 in lease payments and are now buying the machine for $12,000. www.Xippa.net can help with copier contract structure and negotiation so this does not happen.
You can follow the link to see for yourself if they have it right.
Overheard on Twitter . . .re CGX
Did you know that CGX is international and can help you with projects in Europe? We have facilities in Prague and China!That's exactly what I'm trying to get at with the printernet.
AOL needs Clickable Postcards and Newspapers
If you get the deal, get in touch with Clickable Print NY for the postcards. They are set up to do the production. They should be open for business in a couple of days.
For clickable newspapers, get in touch with the AlphaGraphics who is running a Stream digital newspaper box in New Jersey. I have to believe they have some open press time.
To be clear, Clickable Print.org is a non profit. Clickable Print NY is a commercial printer who has decided to get in the game.
Time Warner makes a small bet on hyperlocal news sites in Patch
Nieman Journalism Lab:
"Patch, operator of six local sites in New Jersey, was purchased last week by Time Warner. Forbes reported the purchase price to be about $10 million.
Patch has announced plans for three more sites, in Connecticut, and clearly it has its sights set on many more. In an unrelated transaction, Time Warner is also buying a Boston-based events-based site called Going."
According to a commenter it was AOL not Time Warner. But in any case, there is an opportunity, that will probably close quickly. Timing is everything.
To understand how to fix high school, you have to listen to high school kids talking to each other.
If you have some time on your hands, google "Why HP Sucks" and then "Why Xerox Sucks"
Here's what I got a couple of minutes ago.
Results 1 - 10 of about 19,900 for Why Xerox sucks
Results 1 - 10 of about 669,000 for Why HP sucks.
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,990,000 for Why X sucks
It's amazing what you can learn with a Google Search. But you have to dig through the garbage to find the good stuff.
A Manifesto for Scholarly Publishing - ChronicleReview.com
. . ."I believe quite the opposite. Books — specifically scholarly titles published by university presses and other professional publishers — retain two distinct comparative advantages over other forms of communication in the idea bazaar:"
First, books remain the most effective technology for organizing and presenting sustained arguments at a relatively general level of discourse and in familiar rhetorical forms — narrative, thematic, philosophical, and polemical — thereby helping to enrich and unify otherwise disparate intellectual conversations.
Second, university presses specialize in publishing books containing hard ideas. Hard ideas — whether cliometrics, hermeneutics, deconstruction, or symbolic interactionism — when they are also good ideas, carry powerful residual value in their originality and authority. Think of the University of Illinois Press and its Mathematical Theory of Communication, still in print today. Commercial publishers, except for those who produce scientific and technical books, generally don't traffic in hard ideas. They're too difficult to sell in scalable numbers and quickly. More free-form modes of communication (blogs, wikis, etc.) cannot do justice to hard ideas in their fullness. But we university presses luxuriate in hard ideas. We work the Hegel-Heidegger-Heisenberg circuit. As the Harvard University Press editor Lindsay Waters notes, even when university presses succeed in publishing so-called trade books (as in Charles Taylor's recent hit, A Secular Age), we do so because of the intellectual rigor contained in such books, not in spite of it.
Score a Best of . . for InfoPrint
InfoPrint received six esteemed Better Buys for Business 2009 Black-and-White Printer Multifunctional Guide Editor’s Choice Awards and three revered BLI Pick Awards.
The Going Forward Value of Clickable Print
I haven’t seen anything on SNS for a while, so I was pleased to see japan.internet.com report on a survey conducted by Point On Research into mobile Social Networking Services.
Textbooks and POD @ Print CEO
Bryan Yeager said,
Print-on-demand has been mentioned here as one solution, which I think is completely applicable. I think publishers are finally starting to get it. Check out this demo of Wiley Custom Select, which is powered by the MarkLogic XML Server: http://www.wiley.com//college/wcsdemo/
I suggest you check out a TED Talk with Richard Baraniuk of Connexions from 2006 about open-source learning: http://www.ted.com/talks/richard_baraniuk_on_open_source_learning.html
Connexions (http://www.cnx.org) enables academics, educators, and others to work together to create their own digital textbooks on an infinite variety of topic areas, and also utilizes print-on-demand if the creators want to produce them as books.
Is Benjamin Wayne correct or is Google correct?
Dumenco's Media People: More From Benjamin Wayne on YouTube - Advertising Age - The Media Guy:Or
"'Believers,' Mr. Wade wrote, 'would have us think that Google will sustain YouTube, indefinitely if necessary. Proponents of online advertising argue that increased understanding of the medium will lead to more advertising dollars at better CPMs, lifting all boats in a sea of monetization.' Wayne offered a contrary take: 'YouTube is soaring towards the future like a pigeon towards a plate-glass window.'"
Google thinks clickable postcards connected by mobile phones to Youtube videos is a neat way for small business to get more customers. The analytics + a logo on the video should do the trick.
So, in this case, I go with Google.
Ketchum + Pleon need the Printernet
RRD + CGX + AlphaGraphics + Staples + Independents gets to the correct scale. 50,000,000 Postcards and A4's delivered anywhere on the globe with a minimum carbon footprint. If PR lets locals put ads on the local print, it might not cost them a penny.
Omnicom to Merge Ketchum, Pleon to Create Global PR Network - Agency News - Advertising Age: "NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- In one of the largest mergers in the PR industry, Omnicom Group is combining the operations of U.S.-based Ketchum and its European sibling Pleon to create a global network intended to rival some of the industry's biggest global players, with more than 2,000 employees operating out of 103 offices in 66 countries."
When this kicks in come September, every auto dealer is going to need Print
‘Cash-For-Clunkers’ Vote May Open Path for $4,500 U.S. Vouchers - Bloomberg.com: "June 16 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. consumers may be able to collect as much as $4,500 by September on vehicle trade-ins under “cash-for-clunkers” legislation up for a vote in the House today."
R U Ready for the Goggle Wave? + Press Ready Clickable Postcard you can send to your client that takes you to the video on YouTube..
But the good news is that Print can ride this wave.
BTW, the Google development team is based in Sydney and as of this morning, the video on YouTube got 2,480,764 views.
As promised here's the postcard. Feel free to use it if you think it would help.
Timing is everything.
It's always better to be "good enough at the right time, than perfect at the wrong time. That's why the printernet is so cool. 50,000,000 print pieces delivered around the planet, 2 days after the trigger is pulled, with a minimum carbon footprint.
As long as the content is good enough, why wouldn't it work?
Timing of direct mail campaigns is crucial, GI Direct survey shows | printweek.com
Matt Whipp, printweek.com, 15 June 2009
The timing of direct mail campaigns is often overlooked, but it is one of the key factors in gaining a response, according to direct mail company GI Direct.
In a survey of 1,000 consumers commissioned by the company, two-thirds said the timing of direct mail pieces is most likely to result in a response.
The results are backed up by a Royal Mail study showing that those in the financial sector are most likely to respond on a Saturday, while overall response levels were highest for mail pieces received on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays."
My bet is the anti-competition laws in Euroamerica are going to go away...
Newspaper industry awaits key proposals in Digital Britain report | printweek.com
Adam Hooker, printweek.com, 16 June 2009
Regional newspaper publishers and printers will find out today if their calls to relax competition laws in the industry have been successful.
This afternoon, Lord Carter is set to report on the findings of his Digital Britain study – a report looking into the future of the UK media sector."
The advertising opportunity for clickable print
Recession Increases Demand for Media Measurement:
AMEC, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, has released a new study to mark the opening yesterday of the 1st European Summit on Measurement in Berlin.The results reveal that PR clients are increasingly interested in using media evaluation techniques to gauge the effectiveness of their PR programs. 77% of AMEC members reported an upward trend in client requests for measured proof of PR campaign success.
Twitter, Shmitter, blablabla
Twitter, Facebook Really Aren't Universal
Miller-McCune Online Magazine:
"Based on a recent Harvard study of more than 300,000 users, Twitter may be more of a media darling than a red-hot networking site. The study found that 10 percent of Twitter users produce roughly 90 percent of the content.
'On a typical online social network, the top 10 percent of users account for 30 percent of all production,' the Harvard research team wrote on a recent blog post. 'This implies that Twitter resembles more of a one-way, one-to-many publishing service more than a two-way, peer-to-peer communication network.'
The statistics reveal what appears likely based on incessant Twitter references among mainstream media: It's the media itself driving much of the content.
'There are a disproportionate number of journalists that use Twitter"
If I lived in Sydney, Australasia, instead of Brooklyn, Euromerica I would go . . .
Andy McCourt turns his eye on future of print -
- Print21:
Print 20//20 – a Vision for the Future will provide an overview of printing industry trends and the new business opportunities that can help transform traditional print businesses into profitable print based communication solutions providers.
The event is based on the very successful Pinnacles of Print event held in Western Australia earlier this year which attracted enormous interest and discussion.
The same keynote speaker, Andy McCourt, will feature at the Sydney event which is being organised by Printing Industries. McCourt’s 30-year career in the graphic arts has led to him being recognised as one of the industry’s leading commentators and researchers."
Score for Xerox! Number 1 in DPO and the Quantum Theory of Communication
Xerox Named No. 1 Provider of Document Process Outsourcing -Communication sometimes acts like a wave and sometimes acts like a particle.
Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink: "Tuesday, June 16, 2009
ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- Xerox Corporation is the leader in Document Process Outsourcing (DPO) according to the 2009 Black Book of Outsourcing, an annual guide that evaluates the costs and benefits of outsourcing.
Wave = blablabla, one to one conversations, speeches, chalk/talk teaching, video.
Particles = email, documents, print.
The basic quanta of communication is the word.
Waves carry much more information. Particles are easier to measure.
When Web 2.0 is captured in Print, it is possible to measure communication.
That's why Clickable Print is such a big deal.
A better way to "educate" printers?
Pinnacle Professional Development... helping educators pioneer new levels of student achievement:By changing a few words, one gets "truly job-embedded, customer-focused professional learning into the everyday lives of printers and their sales people."
"Educators at all levels want to know: what specific actions must we take to improve student learning?
Pinnacle's new professional development offerings represent a game-changing approach to helping schools transition to digital-age learning. These online courses bring truly job-embedded, student-focused professional learning into the everyday classroom lives of teachers"
Monday, June 15, 2009
XRX, HP, Xeikon: Clickable Labels for Medication?
At any rate, there's lots of evidence that if people take their meds in the right dosage at the right time, they will get better faster.
So, if medications had dynamic QR codes on the labels, then every time a young person is supposed to take their meds they click on the label with their cell phone. Then compliance goes into the Cloud and is ready for the healing professionals to make sure they took what they were supposed to take, when they were supposed to take it.
I would think there should be a way for Rite-Aid, CVS, Costco or Walmart to do that at the counter when the pharmacist makes up the meds.
Knowing which people do what and when they do it is the metric everyone loves.
If someone is already doing this, please post. If not, anybody have any thoughts on why not?
As long as it's Ricoh + IBM = InfoPrint then Printernet should be a natural
I.B.M. Looks to Sell Big Business on Cloud Computing - NYTimes.com:
"Starting this week, I.B.M. is returning to the same playbook, introducing some initial products and services and a roadmap for its stable of corporate and government customers to comfortably embrace cloud computing.
Cloud computing — in which vast stores of information and processing resources can be tapped from afar, over the Internet, using a personal computer, cellphone or other device — holds great promise in the corporate market. The cloud model, analysts say, has the potential to cut the costs, complexity and headaches of technology for companies and government agencies."
Has 3M Security Printing Systems considered dynamic QR codes.
I don't know enough to really know, but I would think it could be pretty cool. Every smart phone is a scanner. There are enough smart phone video that keeps appearing on cable channels. Info could probably go from Motor Vehicles right into dynamic QR's. Then the clean up at public health facilites or schools.
Home secretary 'launches review' of ID card plans | printweek.com |
"3M Security Printing and Systems is understood to have won the contract to produce the initial run of ID cards."
MPS: The Stats and Sales Approach to win in school districts
The stats are below
The site is at http://www.edweek.org/apps/gmap/.
Below is the kind of information you can get. It's all about graduation and attendance. Figure out a way to offer Clickable Print at the MFP, and the job should be half done before your first meeting. My guess is that a clickable A4 with this kind of info sent to the principals office gets you the meeting.
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