Monday, October 19, 2009

A sustainable path for Print and MPS in Education and helping with the #HSdropouts problem.

An under appreciated fact is that print has grown as literacy grows. From Guttenberg to the emergence of high schools in the early part of the 20th century, when people are expected to learn to read it means more print.

Even during the advertising explosion of the last 50 years, much of the industry has been supported by printing textbooks, teaching collateral and testing material. The noise from the internet has obscured the signal that print is the medium of logical thought. The only place that logical thought is required is in school.

Since most of our visitors are from advanced economies, I'll focus on how it could play out in that context. (In a global context, it's pretty clear that literacy will continue to explode.)

Formal education in 2030 is a link to a paper coming out of the National Association of Scholars at Princeton. It's worth a considered read.
For the sake of grammatical clarity, I will write from the perspective of 2030, putting these events-to-come in the past tense.
The crux of the argument:
In 2024, the movement to close state colleges and universities crested. . . . Online education had been thriving long before this, of course, but the huge new demand for online courses and programs turned online education into something like the railroad boom of the nineteenth century.
The issue is that formal education in the States is not sustainable in College nor in K - 12. It uses to many resources to justify the outcomes produced.
@ToughLoveforX well, with the astronomical rise in higher education, you have to wonder if colleges are fair value this day and age
e-learning = signif process change in orgs" via @etutoria | "Process change" = old biz models -> new biz models.
The outcomes produced.
In Detroit "fewer than six of 10 HS seniors graduated in 2008, while the dropout rate was just over 27 percent." WTF?

By 2007, a female #hsdroputs chance of being a single mother had jumped to 49 percent NYTimes

"Oregon has five "dropout factories" - high schools that don't get even 60 percent of their freshmen to senior year."
It looks to me that Xerox is presently in the lead coming from the top.
RSA & #Xerox help Manatee School District. view at RealWorldPrint. MUST see TV for #MPS
But the disruptive technology is coming from Google, energizing the bottom.
RT @tucksoon @web20classroom: The Power of Potential: 19 Educational Uses for Google Wave
IM-not-so-HO, the first global to integrate MPS with the Google Wave will gain a huge first mover advantage. Most likely it's not going to be a global.

It's going to be the Independents.

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