Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I bet IPEX is when Print tips. Have you read today's post at OutputLinks?

Frequent visitors to the blog know that I think the tipping point has already passed. But I'm just a blogger, so what do I really know. On the other hand, my print centric IRA has been doing just fine, so at the end of the day, what do I really care.

Anyway, this morning I got to see the Andy and Julie Plata talking about IPEX at OutputLinks.
Here's the link:

My personal fav snippet is:
a seminar area for 30 national and international not-for-profit organizations to exhibit at the event.
To me it says that there is a small, but gathering consensus that the growth path for the industry is not marketing to sell more widgets. Rather it is using the awesome power of Print to do well by doing good.

Just a few of the many other money snippets follow:

All the presenters seemed to be preparing their exhibits with the expected better economic conditions for 2010 in mind.

In fact Ipex 2010 will be the world’s largest English speaking print conference. It takes place every four years and will attract visitors from over 160 countries and exhibitors from almost 40 countries to Birmingham, UK.

A good “ignition indicator” was exhibitors like Océ, Pitney Bowes, Canon, HP, Fujifilm, Ricoh and Konica Minolta who had dramatically increased the size of their booths over the 2006 Conference.

Another “ignition indicator” is the fact that the show is almost 95% sold!

Program like the My Ipex, the Great Print Debates, the Printer’s Profit Zone, and the Knowledge Center are good examples of no-charge programs that will enhance the visitor experience.

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