Friday, February 13, 2009

Local printers take aim at competition from schools

So instead of trying to get legislation passed to limit competition, why not take the game into the school's court.
Education is a much better business than printing. Imagine a CTE program run by a Printer. It used to be called apprenticeship or internship.

Then some of those tax dollars that go into CTE schools that don't work, could go to a reinvented kind of CTE that probably would work great.

read @ The Bulletin:
"SALEM — Bend-area print shops want Bend-La Pine Schools to stop taking their customers, and they’ve given up asking nicely. A bill introduced Tuesday in Salem would block school districts from providing printing services to other government agencies and nonprofits.

Though it will have statewide effect, the bill was sparked by the concerns of eight Bend print shops and is being pushed by two Central Oregon lawmakers, Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, and Sen. Chris Telfer, R-Bend.

The print shop representatives say they met with the district to discuss their concerns, and the response they received amounted to a shrug. “There’s not a single one of us who has not lost a client to them,” said Larry Peterson, owner of Press Pros Printing Co. on Northeast Second Street."

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