Thursday, March 26, 2009

To our viewers from Google.. get in touch with MPS people

Free advice to Google:
Get in touch with the folks who are hosting the first ever convention of MPS independent dealers. You can find out all about it by following the links from Jim Lyon's Observations. The MPS folks need to know about Google Apps. MPS (managed print services) is the printernet within a formal organization. And the independents have no choice but to get this right.

If you could join with those folks, you have an easy entry into Enterprise Level Sales for Google Apps. Plus you give them a path to dealing with overly protective IT people, who are scared stiff of the Cloud.

Besides, now that Wordpress can be created with an XML schema, and has already got an open source code for wikis in black only paperbacks, and is already doing ECM for, they say, 100,000 collaborations and they have a huge number of users in the education space the timing might be just right.

Consider being the infrastructure to replace textbooks with WikiBooks and WikiNewspapers.

It might be just the way to take another run at AdSense in Print. I'm not surprised that it didn't work with newspapers. Right now they have that deer in the headlights thing going on. Plus they live on local advertising and were not about to let you get in the middle of that.

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