Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to get your MFPs into the education systems

Don't sell them. Bundle them into an ongoing education program that demonstrably works in real time.

The money gets paid from Special Ed. The boxes are there to facilitate a building based printernet that replaces textbooks with wiki books and newsletters. The purpose of this printernet is to improve learning in the building.

This is why it should work:
We find that when we escape the firm and product-/service-centric view of value creation, which is the dominant logic for marketing and strategy (see Kotler 2002; Porter 1980), and move on to an experience-centric cocreation view, new and exciting opportunities unfold. [p. 23] from Co-evolving innovation blog
It's also the reason that Xerox should test out being the Learning Company, instead of the Document Company. Everybody loves learning. Everybody hates documents, except of course people who make their living with documents. It's a classic example of a "product centric view of value creation."

It's a bit confusing if you think the PSP or the channel is the customer. They're not. Everybody in the food chain lives off the final user's money. That's the customer you have to focus on.

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